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Summer Holidays Approaching

With the summer holidays approaching here in the UK, the reality of it can be quite different for many. Some people get the excitement of adventures and relaxation, but for others it can be a stressful time, with fears of what to do in the impending academic year ahead or their next chapter.

So, this week I am going to focus on Year 12s, either intending to go onto University after year 13/an apprenticeship/that the course or subjects aren't for them and need to explore other options that are better suited.

The fear and uncertainty that can come with either not knowing what career you would like/what degree to study/what apprenticeship to do can be quite overpowering.

Maybe your MOCK results were different to what you expected and now you just feel so overwhelmed and that it changes to your initial plans.

Thanks to our generosity we are offering young people in year 12 a Whopping 20% discount for their first appointment/consultation.

On another note, there are tons of open days, summer schools, work experience, and taster days to help you in future applications (universtiy and work), but also as a way of extending your knowledge and experience.

Therefore, for the rest of July, we would like to offer this fancy 20% off thier first consultation.

Please quote HappySummer in your email in order to receive this

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