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Standing out from the crowd!

It can be very difficult when you are out of work to recognise that you may be one of hundreds applying for different vacancies. Some people can feel quite deflated when they apply for vacancies, but never hear a response. Furthermore it can be distressing when people keep applying for vacancies, but don't get to the next step of being invited to an interview. Taking into account that a lot of application forms can take on average 3-4 hours to complete. Is it any wonder people become quite disheartened, using so much of their time, but getting nothing.

Another issue is when people do get to the interview stage, but don't get the job. It seems more and more employers do not even respond to the unsuccessful interviewee.

So how can people be more successful in gaining employment if they do not receive any feedback?

This is where accessing professional support and guidance can be the key to standing out from the crowd, and being the successful candidate that bags the job. See our regular offers to help those in need of support in their career journey.

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