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When technology is one of the biggest growing areas in the economy, why don’t we value it as much as we do other areas? The majority of people use a form of technology continually throughout the day. Whether this be a kettle to boil water, electric shower, bike or bus, and some of us regularly using telephones and computers throughout the day. So why can’t we appreciate the people that design, make and repair them?

Unfortunately in the UK engineers and technologists are looked down upon, and not appreciated as much as other professionals.

It was interesting to listen to the Education Secretary, Damian Hinds, on ITV News this morning on his visit to Germany. He made reference to how the Germans treat all individuals with the same respect, whether they go down the technology route or academic. He also made reference to how supportive different businesses are in growing the next generation of workers. This is either by offering apprenticeships or an equivalent to work experience.

The UK is already making changes by rolling out the T-levels (technical courses equivalent to A-levels) which cover a wide range of industries ( An aspect of the course is the close link that they have with employers, specifically the placement the young person will have out in industry.

It will be interesting to see what other valuable working practices, policies and procedures Damian Hinds brings back from his trip.

But it is starting to look quite positive in the changes being made nationally to recognise and appreciate not only the qualifications, but the people that work in the technical areas of industry.

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