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The only way is up!!

It's extremely positive to see how much the employment rate is rising! Current data shows that people in work in the UK is now 75.7% which is an all time high since records began in 1971 (aged 16-64 years).

The gap between men and women in work is also getting much closer. When records began in 1971 men in work was 91.9% and women 52.7%; but by May 2018 men in work is 80% and women is 71.3%. So in 47 years the gap has moved from 39.2% to 8.7% between men in work and women in work.

Not only are they signs of positive progression in a time of uncertainty and when large, well known companies are either reducing staff or closing down, but that women in employment increased significantly (18.6%) over the last 47 years.

Positive news all round for many people in the UK.

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