Anniversary Celebrations

@PCAGS #Day 1

After the introduction of the Gatsby Benchmarks earlier this year, and the recently updated statutory guidelines for schools and Further education; I thought that I would start with what we offer to education establishments.

Like most of our services, we are quite flexible and able to negotiate on the service and time frames. The company can offer short term contracts that will suit the education establishments.

It could be writing and reviewing the careers programme, group work, assembly's, writing lesson plans, employability skills, entrepreneurial work, workshops, networking with employers or personal advice.

#careerseducation #flexibility #entrepreneurs

@PCAGS #Day 2

For some young people taking their options in year 8/9 is the first time they've had to make such a big decision. Some feel quite overwhelmed with input from teachers and parents, and sometimes feel pressured!!

Although the GCSE'S you take don't always impact on further or higher education, or even future careers, sometimes it does!! Furthermore I have had quite a few young people struggling with certain subjects, and when I ask why they think this is, they have told me that they were forced to do the subject!!

Therefore ensuring that they have professional advice and guidance to support them in achieving their full potential can be very important at this time!!

#careerseducation #supportinyoungpeople


During this term there should be/have been a focus on the next steps for year 11/12/13 students.

A number of people at these age are quite scared of leaving the secure environment they have been, and the school community where they belong. An expert in the field are even more necessary for these students.

Under the statutory guidelines and the Gatsby Benchmarks they should all be receiving personal advice in their education settings. Unfortunately in a lot of cases this still isn't happening, at least by appropriately qualified professionals.

Possessing the level 6/7 qualification and being on the CDI register means that we do meet these requirements. Furthermore that the support offered to the young person is agreed to their personal needs, which is not always possible in the education setting. Whether this is a one off or 3 appointments.

Moreover being experts in the field, keeping up to date with LMI and the provision of Further Education, Higher Education and Apprenticeships available, and extensive experience comes within this next steps support from the service!

So for those unsure of what to do next and where to go to find out, we could be the answer?

#nextsteps #tailoringtoneed #supportingyoungpeople

@PCAGS #Day 4

Some people take career breaks for whole host of reasons.

I decided to have a career break when I had my first child. Many years later my partner had to take a career break for health reasons.

So I've experienced first hand some of the things you go through while on the career break (although it is different for each person) and then what you can face going back into work.

Therefore the advice and guidance that is offered to those going back into work, or attempting to, is not only tailored to their needs but there is true empathy and understanding of the barriers they may face!

#careerbreak #personcentred #supportingindividuals

@PCAGS #Day 5

It can be very scary when you are faced with redundancy or lose your job suddenly. Processing the situation and making sense of it can take time. This then battles with the fear of having bills to pay and any other costs you are faced with!

For some there is the added fear and uncertainty of finding jobs, applying for jobs and then dealing with the interview. Sometimes it's from being out of practice, and some people just struggle with these at any time.

Through us tailoring the work around the needs of the client, and having expert knowledge, we can support people going through this difficult time!!

#trialingsituations #supportingpeople #tailoringneed

@PCAGS #Day 6

So the final day of celebrating our 6 month anniversary means that I'm squeezing two into one!

The difficulties people with disabilities and health problems have in gaining employment isn't spoken about so much, or shared in the media. On the basis that only just over 50% of people working age are employed, I think it does need to be, and the necessary support to help them get there.

Another group of people that need closer guidance are those that have been let down by education and struggle to engage with employability.

Although we tailor our service to the needs of the clients, the strategies and knowledge is a little more specialist for these groups of people. Therefore keeping up to date on related information, having extensive experience of working with people that fall into these categories and taking part in regular training means that our service is at a high standard!

Everyone could need support at some time in gaining and sustaining employment, but for these people it can also be about getting employers on board too, and ensuring that they support these individuals as much as is feasible.

We will support individuals every step of the way, and build the relationships with employers to make it a successful environment and help to change society along the way!!

#timeforchange #stepbystep #sustainingemployment
